
Crispy forms allows us to override the template attribute passed to their layout objects, by including the crsipy_templates template you will get the new template format.


These are templates related to the Field layout object.

Radio Button Group Select

Instead of the regular dropdown select widget or a RadioSelect widget we can create a radio button group.

Radio button groups should be used when the number of choices is less than five. See for an example of what we are trying to achieve.

To implement this type of button group, in your layout:

self.helper.layout = Layout(
  Field('field_name', template='crispy_templates/radio_btngroup_field.html'),

Then add the javascript to the bottom of your page in the template:

{% block script %}
{% static ‘crispy_templates/js/crispy_templates.js’ %}

{% endblock %}

The select in the form will now render as a button group.
Note - You need the buttons.js javascript included in your html. See